90-10 Strategy

The 90-10 strategy is an investment approach that emphasizes capital preservation and steady growth by allocating 90% of a portfolio to low-risk assets such as bonds or cash equivalents, while allocating the remaining 10% to higher-risk, potentially higher-return assets such as stocks or alternative investments. This strategy aims to provide investors with a balance between

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80-20 Rule

The 80-20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, is a concept derived from the observation that roughly 80% of outcomes result from 20% of causes. This principle has broad applications across various disciplines, including economics, business management, and personal productivity. Understanding the 80-20 rule allows individuals and organizations to focus their efforts on the

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130-30 Strategy

The 130-30 strategy is an investment approach that combines both long and short positions in a portfolio to achieve enhanced returns. This strategy involves allocating 130% of the portfolio’s assets to long positions while simultaneously short-selling 30% of the portfolio’s assets. The goal of the 130-30 strategy is to capitalize on both bullish and bearish

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